Friday, August 28, 2009

Feeling sorry for myself

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel sorry for yourself? Nothing seems to go right even when you woke up in a good mood. No major catastrophy. Just want to sit and cry.
The day started for me at 0430 with a cold wet nose poking me in the face. (Wasn't Darrell, he was at the fire house and I think he would have been warmer.) One of the four legged foster children, Maddey, was making it well known that she needed to pee. Unfortunately, I was not able to roll over and ignore her because she got the other kids wound up and 20 paws jumped on the bed. Yep, you read it right 20 PAWS!! Three of the children are permanent members of the family and the other two, Maddey and Casey, are visiting until we find a forever home for them.
Anyway, put on my little red flip flops and walked outside in my pjs...ok, not really pjs but green surgical scrubs that I wear to bed. Its all about cheap and comfort...except when it comes to shoes. :-) (Nothing sexy about my jammies.) We took a walk around our property for a few minutes and then I sat down on the bench to let the dogs roam around for the perfect piddle and poo spot. I love my life and my family and was thinking about that while I sat there. I started daydreaming about winning the lottery (its up to 374 million) and knowing that we never will but its nice to dream. (The ER staff at my other career put in money when the amount gets up there.) I would pay off all our bills and give some money to our parents, our daughters (the two legged ones not the four), my sister, and my sister in laws (as long as they admit I am their favorite). It was a good morning. I talked to my dad and wished he was here. Told him I missed him and started my day. But as soon as I got into the studio, it felt like that good mood was squashed by a big black cloud. (And NONE of it was my fault. Not one single thing but I was made to feel like it was.) Not going to bore you with details but I could feel gray hairs and wrinkles popping out with each conversation. Lovely....I feel the migraine starting.

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