Monday, July 27, 2009

Sticking my nose where it shouldn't be

Have you ever sat back and thought what the heck were you thinking when you did this or said that? Well, today is one of those days for me. I have two friends that I really care about and thought "hey why not introduce them to each other?" Both are in the medical field and have that as well as personalities in common. Both are strong willed, opinionated, head strong, etc etc. Ok I know....two head strong personalities may cause for some clashing BUT it will be entertaining for the rest of us to watch....right? I really do hope they can at least be friends that can hang out together and have fun. I AM NOT PLAYING MATCH MAKER!! Let me repeat that...I AM NOT PLAYING MATCH MAKER. (wiping sweat from brow that is forming due to nervousness.) (Hope you are reading this J and M....I am not playing match maker.) I just think you two could be great friends to hang out with. And if you don't get a long (cheeks turning red and hanging head in shame as perspiration forms on the pits of my shirt and forehead) IT IS NOT MY FAULT! Love you two!

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