Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sister session

Had a wonderful day photographing two was 18 months and the other 2 weeks.  Nothing is more precious than watching the antics of a soon to be toddler and the trustiness (is that a word?) of a newborn.  These little angels look to us for love and protection and you cannot help but smile when you see them or any other child.  (Sorry feeling sappy today.) 

Miss W, as most babies do, christened the blanket during her session.  It of course elicited giggles from her grandmother.  Thank goodness she wasn't a boy because grandma would have been hysterical because I would probably have been the one christened instead of the blanket.  Just my luck.

Her sister, Miss D, was definitely at the beginning of the fun stage of todderlism.  (Wow!  I am coming up with all kinds of new terms today.)  Miss D was very entertaining when I tried to put a head-band on her, or trying to climb into my prop box as well as trying her hand at working the camera.  No issues because that is when I too have fun!  Nothing to get upset about or concerned when it comes to photographing children.  You need to be flexible because quite frankly, they are in control of the situation, not the adults.  If they want to run around during their photo session, or change the way they look, that's fine.  It's all about having fun and not making a session miserable for the child or the parent.

Remember when you were little and you were forced to smile at the camera so your parents could get a great picture of you?  I must have been devastated when I was a child.  Because to this day, I hate getting my picture taken and when I was younger, I would cry every time I saw the camera pointed at me.  I don't cry now but you may see me sticking out my tongue and turning my head quickly or even get a not so nice and unladylike gesture pointed your way.

My mom worked at Olan Mills so I am sure I was a test dummy quite a few times in their studio.  (Back in the day of film kids.)  There is a picture of me when I was under two that I just love and Mom said that I was about to throw a temper tantrum and the photographer took the shot at just the right time.  (Good for him.)  But think about all those missed shots?  If the photographer was not "quick on the shutter" then my mom would not have received the cute image that she did.  Anyway, my point is, you should not have to force your child to smile during a photo session.  (Except for my preteen nephew who gives the tough football player look in all  his pictures.)  It should be relaxed and fun.  That way your child will give a true smile or an expression that is completely their own.  It leads to a fun time, does not develop camera phobia as in my case and creates a precious keepsake for the family.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Melissa and Martin Engagement session

The morning looked like it was going to be a perfect day for a photo session outside when I first got up.  Granted it was 0430 and there was a nice coolness and lack of humidity in the air but that was short lived.  By the time I met up with Melissa and Martin it was hot and humid with an occassional cloud.  Oh well, you have to work with what you get. 

Melissa was "glistening"...ha!  I was flat out sweating...I know I know....girls glisten but I have to admit I was not too girlie today!  I believe I am over being scared of Melissa.  :-)  Had a great day and everything was done before both of us experienced too much hair frizz and in time for Martin to get back to work at the fire house.  Wasn't that nice of him to take some time off for this?  If he had not, I do believe his future trophy wife and maid of honor would have kicked his butt.  Hmmm reminds me of how my husband decided to take the city fire test the DAY OF OUR WEDDING!!  Men...gotta love 'em.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Melissa and Martin

So excited for Monday!!  Having an engagement session with Melissa and Martin who are getting married in October and I am so excited about that too.  Wasn't at first because quite frankly, Melissa scares me.  :-)  Now don't get me wrong, Melissa is an awesome, hilarious person and I just love her to pieces but when she gets mad....well....she's a little fire ball!  :-)  I know she likes my work because she has seen what I can do but when it comes to photographing friends, well, I just don't want to mess up.  Guess that's a lot more stress than usual.  I love you Melissa!

Revisited, revamped, reopened, renewed

Two years have gone by with many changes, some good and some bad. I honestly could not believe that much time I had past since my last blog post. With the "discovery" of facebook, returning to school, relocating the base for my business and just wanting to disappear behind a rock enabled my ability to become negligent with postings.
Long story short...lets get this going again and see what evolves!
I have been concentrating more on photographing infants and weddings since we last had a chat and I am loving it! Started taking images of infants with these cute little handmade hats/beanies and then giving them to the parents as a keepsake with their order. I think (if I say so myself) they are adorable! My mom asked, "How did you get the babies to sleep?" Other than spiking their formula with Benadryl....just kidding. They were asleep, like the typical baby so I came up with something to still make their "first" pictures memorable. They don't all have to be awake. :-)
Let me know what you think about the new posing ideas.

New internet
