Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where has friendliness gone?

I am going to avoid starting this out with "back in my day or back when I was little" by asking, have you ever listened to the stories that your parents or grandparents told when they said how friendly everyone was? Walking down the street in "small town USA", everyone would greet each other, smile, say "good morning" or the men would at least tip their hat to the ladies? Where has that all gone? Are we so cynical that we cannot even smile at a stranger and at least say hello? Have we become so scared of speaking to a possible psycho killer, rapist, kidnapper or just all around bad guy that we cast our eyes to the ground or in another direction when someone walks past? When I mention this situation I am usually met with the comment of "well times have changed." No they haven't. Do you really believe that the bad guy just evolved in the past 20 years? Oh give me a break. They have been around since, oh lets see....if you believe in Adam and Eve, they were around then. If you believe in evolution, duh, they were around then. Their names have changed, the way they inflict harm has changed and due to the type of media and communication we have now, the ways to find them and account for their actions has changed. But why should that affect how we are to each other? Every morning when I walk the three blocks to the studio, I smile and greet everyone I pass. I started doing this to see how many people would acknowledge my greeting with at least a smile. I also noticed that it made me feel good to smile and speak. But not everyone feels that way. I have seen people look away instead of having to smile at me (Dude...I am not too repulsive to look at, well at least I don't make little children scream in terror, so there is no reason to look away.) This morning I walked past 15 people in that three blocks...guess how many smiled back? TWO!! Can you believe it? TWO?! One was a sheriff deputy and he seemed a little grumpy but forced his smile. Guess he didn't have his morning donut. Just kidding! If we become more involved in our community, our neighbors, and people we walk past every morning, we can make this a safer place. Now I am not saying to stalk your neighbor but at least try to watch out for each other and be there if someone needs help. The stalking thing just reminded me of a magnet on a coworkers locker....."When did we start calling secret admirers stalkers?" Oh well. Ok I am done with my rantings for the morning....until I find something else to stir up the soap box.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thanks Dad!

I know you have heard this before but I typically start my morning talking to my dad. Even though he didn't tell me he was proud of me to my face when he was alive, he told everyone he met about my accomplishments and bragged to the point that I wish he would just stop it. But deep down, I loved knowing he did this. (But I wouldn't tell him that.) :-) I think my parents were and are my biggest cheerleaders. Not the kind that stand beside you screaming "look at my daughter, she's awesome and she can do anything." But the kind that sat quietly in the stands whispering "you can do it you can do it" and sat with their fingers crossed. Then of course, spouted off to all their friends when it came time to compare each other's kids. You know the game, "My son did this. Oh yeah well my daughter did this." And so on. During our conversation this morning, I told Dad that things needed to pick up at the studio. Yeah, I am making enough to pay the bills, which is awesome and I am very grateful for that. But I wanted to photograph more children and not just seniors. Don't get me wrong! Seniors are awesome! But little ones are so unpredictable and can be so entertaining. My "want" was granted! Had a full day of rug rats and a repeat Thursday and Friday and then again next week! Awesome! See my dad does listen to me. I miss you!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dear Daughter.....

Have you ever wondered where your children get their attitudes? Do they really get them from us? No way! Growing up I was very shy and quiet. NO REALLY!! I WAS! Never spoke back to my dad...quite frankly, he scared the crap out of me! With Mom, well, I think I stomped my foot at her a couple times and "huffed" at her but still listened. She didn't really scare me, but I never wanted to disappoint her. Now I have two very head strong, stubborn, out spoken daughters. The oldest, well, she is just like me...sorry Kylee but you are. (Well they are both like me.) She is determined, head strong, independent BUT she knows how to use it appropriately. Marisa, well, she's a different story. Marisa is head strong, determined and independent BUUUUUUTTTTTT she does not use it appropriately. She is learning but OMG it has been a long process! And of course I love them both dearly and would not change their personalities in anyway. I wish I could go back and change some things in the past but you know, maybe not. The course we followed through life has brought us to where we are now. We needed those experiences to learn, to grow and make us into the people we are today. But then again, I may have changed at least two things in the past. (My girls know what they are and I do not have to explain.) Ok, now back to the statement "I was very shy and quiet". Truely, I was. Not until I met my husband and was working in the emergency medical field, did I get over that issue! Get over it quickly I did! There are still situations where I like to sit back and blend in with the wall but this is because I am taking in the situation and making a plan. Actually, I like to people can be quite entertaining!! To my youngest who thinks I am a dork....what would you do if I didn't give you something funny to discuss with your friends? To her boyfriend who thinks I don't like him and who described my previous pictures as a "Princess Stripper"...hmmmm, I cannot say what I want to. :-) To my oldest who thinks, well pretty much thinks I am a dork too....same comment I gave your sister. To my parents....I love you and thanks for all the support and I miss you Dad. To my husband.....I need more $$$$$$. Oh by the way girls, remember where we are suppose to go on vacation, so you better be nice to me!! (MARISA-YOU REALLY SHOULD BE DOING YOUR HOMEWORK INSTEAD OF READING MY BLOG WHILE YOU ARE IN ENGLISH...YOU TOO LUKE!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ohio's Fallen Heroes

Saturday, the Saturday after 11 Sept for the past 5 years, people have gathered at the Ohio Fallen Heroes Memorial ( in Sunbury, Ohio. They gather to remember, to show respect, to cry and to show support. Family, friends, neighbors, members of the military (retired, active, reserve) the Leathernecks MC, and strangers were in attendance. If you were not moved in some way by the words that were spoken or by the sight of over 200 crosses, then you have nothing but ice around your heart. I went to remember, to show support and to honor those members of the 3rd BN, 25th Marines that died while serving with my husband in Iraq in 2005. Many of them I knew, some I had just met during leave in Vegas and others I knew only through the stories that I heard. But all were too young to have died this way. We need to remember, to carry on their fight, their beliefs, their honor, to not do this will only make their deaths and lives worthless. "Their stay was short in our arms, forever in our hearts."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Alpha Male

I never thought a dog and a man could dislike each other as much as Darrell and Petey do. I got Petey (registered name is Peanut's Semper Fidelis) while Darrell was in Israel for training. I always wanted a Pembroke Welsh Corgi after meeting Zoe, who was the four legged child of my inlaws. After Darrell returned from training the quest to become the alpha dog was in full swing. Darrell thought he was the king and in turn, Petey thought he was. To prove his point, Petey would hike his leg on Darrell's belongings, only when Darrell was home. (He never did this when Darrell was gone.) I found it hilarious but of course Darrell did not. Something about the smell of urine on his boots just did not please him. Darrell's quest to become king was to pick up Petey and use him as a mop to clean up the wet spot that was left. (No the dog was not harmed in anyway, just became rather stinky.) Over the past few years they have developed a mutual agreement....they stay away from each other. It is comical to watch. Pete of course still has to show Darrell that he is the king by sitting at my feet and staring at him out of the corner of his eye. Such intimidation. I cannot see how Darrell does not bow down and tremble at Petey's paws. And of course, Pete will continue to mark Darrell's items but those that are left outside. The tires of the motorcycle, truck or anything else that has the two legged pet's scent on it. Oh the joy of being fought over by two males.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine

Have you ever thought what makes you feel good? Ok, get your minds out of the gutter!! Is it watching kids or puppies play, relaxing on the couch, reading a good book, sitting on a fallen tree in the woods and listening to nature, or having a good belly laugh? Well, to me, all those things are great! After a busy day, I decided to have some stupid fun. If anyone would have walked in at that time, I think they would have either cried or peed their pants because they were laughing so hard. A coworker seems to think that she is the princess. I try telling her every time I see her that I wear that crown and she is just in training. So I decided to send her some photos to show just who rules the kingdom. It sure isn't her!! Take that Julia!! I am the reigning princess...well at least in my world I am.
Dear Princess in Training...JULIA...maybe one day you will be a full fledged princess. But don't hold your breath!

Carol's Family

We had a beautiful day to take family portraits. The park was not crowded, no bugs attacking my sweetness (yeah, I can be sweet once in awhile) and it wasn't too hot...yet. Only stepped in and then kneed in goose poop a couple of times. Even when everyone was hungry and tired of smiling (What? Tired of smiling? No way.), we were still able to have fun and the kids wanted "just one more picture". Wow!! Children who like their picture taken. Did someone give them spiked Mountain Dew? What a fun time. Well, at least I had fun!
Can you feel the luuuvvvv?
Do you think they like Michigan?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Video Ad

"What do you mean she doesn't have any shoes?", I asked one of the models for today's video ad shoot. "You have got to be kiddin' me?" Ugh. Ok, no big deal. We will go to "Uniquely Yours" a formal shop located on Main Street in Circleville and get her shoes. Thank goodness they had her size and the shoes were awesome! I loved them. Ok, one thing fixed. Crap! Now it's raining! This shoot was suppose to be outside. Again, you have got to be kiddin' me. "Dad, I need you to make the rain stop just long enough to get this task completed." You won't believe it. The rain stopped and the sun came out. Now, I really didn't need it to be sunny but I am not going to complain. Second hurdle cleared. Ok, things come in threes...what's next? As the one model is talking to the other on the phone, I hear her say, "Oh don't tell me that." Now what, I ask. Model Two's mom was in the background telling her to tell me that she wasn't coming. UGH! The claws are coming out and I am going to pull someone's hair! Ok breathe, breathe, relax...if I drank, I would go buy a bottle of Patron and drink it all by myself. "Just kidding", I hear echo through the phone. NOT FUNNY! Looks like there will not be an AA meeting for me in the near future. We get back to the studio and the girls get ready. Our male model shows up and he states he does not like his picture taken. Oh well, he's here now and since he likes one of the models, I think we have him hooked for the next hour. Among hootin', hollerin' and car horns, we had a blast. I cannot wait to see the finished product.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This is what makes it all worthwhile! Enough said!
