Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Busy busy

Had a great time showing images at the ArtWalk a couple weeks ago, had a fun raiser for Forgotten No more which provides a home for special needs children who have been abandoned by their family in Ethiopia, where we did family pictures for our church, taking newborn pictures tomorrow of Miss Isabella, photographing a wedding Saturday and then....a couple family sessions on Sunday after church as well as a senior! Pheww! Going to be a busy few days but that's great since I'm doing what I love!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What to do? What to do?

Have you ever just woke up one morning and thought "what is my purpose in life?"  I seem to be doing that quite often the past few weeks.  I would love to be in photography full time and use the creative part of my brain.  I love the feeling I get when I am outside admiring God's creation or playing with a child to photograph them having fun and being natural.  That is the best medicine for me.  When I am not doing what I love and enjoy, I question what is my purpose.  To get out of that mood, I grab the camera, put the dog on a leash and for a walk we go.  Within minutes I know that my purpose is to bring a smile to my face, to the face of my family and a random stranger with the images I create with my camera.  I love photography!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Remember the simple times

Like most Ohioians, for a week, I have been without electric, water, internet and oh my goodness, cable television and have gotten behind on my "Drop Dead Diva" will I ever survive?  Just like I did when I was little, I entertained myself with crafts, reading and photography. 

Glad I was making "survival bracelets" for a fund raiser and had the paracord to use as a clothes line!  Unfortunately on this particular day, it rained just when the clothes were about dry.  Back to the drawing board....or washboard as it were.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Best of luck to the LUCKS!

Had a wonderful weekend at a family wedding!  Even though the temperature was in the high 80s the humidity was low and there was a nice wind.  Add in two wonderful loving people, Michaela and Nathan, surrounded by family and friends at Quailcrest Farms and you have a gorgeous celebration of love!

Had a great time and I even stayed out of the official photographer's way....well I tried to...there were even a couple wedding crashers, Loyl and Loml.  (Their picture is below.)

Best of luck to the Luck's!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Volunteer Thursday!

Every Thursday morning my husband and I volunteer at Foundation Dinners located in Lancaster, Ohio. This is a nonprofit organization that provides meals for those in need. And every one of us has been in need at least one time in our life

We feel we need to give back to our community because we have had others reach out to us in the past. We provide our time at least once a week by preparing a balanced (as close to balance and healthy as we can get) breakfast. We have met some great people; some who have created their current situation by past poor decisions but trying to correct them. Then there are those who have just fallen on bad times, not because of anything they did but due to losing their job, Katrina disaster,etc. No matter how they came to this point in their lives, they still need a helping hand. Anyone with a loving heart, a humane bone in their body, should reach out a hand of assistance and not turn their back or walk by ignoring someone who is not as fortunate.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cards and Announcements!

Tired of the same 'ole note cards, invitations and announcements? Yes people still use them and stamps! ;-)

This is a baby announcement we just made and I'm thinking of sending the image of the feet in and having postage stamps made. So least I think so.

Images have been dropped off to the art show. A little nervous about the possible feedback but it will be used to improve my work. I have learned to not take criticism personally. That was a hard lesson since I used to wear my heart on my sleeve as my mom would say. Geez...if you even looked like you were going to raise your voice at me, I'd cry! Oh have I come along way.

Stay cool!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012 day

Hope you are keeping comfortable on this hot and humid day.  Our AC is not working so the dogs and I are lounging...what else is there to do besides whine and complain about the heat?  So we're "chillin" but not literally.  :-)

Well the decision has been made on the three images that will be in the art show this week.  Funny how everyone was set on three other choices than what I had in mind but I will go with their suggestions.  You know, if their suggestions do not go over well, I can say "I told you so and should have went with what I wanted."  But of course, if I go with what I like best and they don't do well, then my critics will say, "Told you so, you should have went with our suggestions."  Hmmm darned if I do and darned if I don't.  :-) 

Have you looked at the frame specials at Cord Camera lately?  I had to go in to replace my wireless remote and they have a great deal going on.  Didn't even think about their framing service until I saw the price and their quality of work.  For professional or the "average consumer", nice work for a great price.  The frame choices change each month. So you may not find what you like one month but go back the next because it will be different.

Other than the art show this week, we are off to a wedding this weekend and have started scheduling weddings for next year!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Beautiful Pregnant Belly!

Whoever said pregnant women weren't sexy needs their head smacked "Gibbs" style! 

Initially my photo session with Erika and Kevin was meant to be outside but we ended up grabbing equipment and going back inside when the rain started.  Seriously!  We haven't had rain all week and the weather-man said it wasn't suppose to rain until this evening.  Wow! Did he tell a fib!  But it worked out well.  We got some awesome shots inside and by the time we were done, we were able to take some images outside. 

Erika looks great and showed that a Mommy to be can still be sexy and alluring. Cannot wait to meet Miss Isabella!

The heat is on!

Wow!  We went from a wet winter to a steamy summer within a matter of days!  Where did our lovely spring time go?  I would prefer to have a long beautiful spring than jumping right over it.  Oh well...I am not Mother Nature nor do I pretend to be.

Time has come and gone for my little area of the world. Husbad has returned from Afghanistan!  And to put the cherry on top of that sundae, he submitted his retirement paperwork and we received the verification yesterday that as of 1 July he is officially retired from the military after 22 years!!  Of course I am doing the happy dance, which unfortunately, still resembles the pee-pee dance.  That will never change.

My oldest gorgeous daughter and handsome son in law (don't tell him that I like him, he will get cocky) had their second daughter.  I am much to young to be a grandmother of two...seriously.  But I sure love them bunches.

Obviously my photography posts have been lacking because I was getting so overwhelmed with working on my master's degree and working overtime in the ER to make ends meet.  I would rather be concentrating all my time on progressing my love of photography and my passion for it.  Like most people hindsight is 20/20 and I am seeing the many mistakes I have made along the way in the photography business.  If I had the money, I would just hire someone to run the business to allow me to just go out and create pretty images.  Sigh.....

I signed up to be in an art show at Hide-Away-Hills, a private resort in Ohio.  It was rather difficult to select only three images to enter and still trying to decide.  Guess I better get to work on that since I have to drop them off this week for the show that is schedulede for next weekend!  :-) 

Here are the images I have selected so far...tell me which three you think I should enter.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sister session

Had a wonderful day photographing two was 18 months and the other 2 weeks.  Nothing is more precious than watching the antics of a soon to be toddler and the trustiness (is that a word?) of a newborn.  These little angels look to us for love and protection and you cannot help but smile when you see them or any other child.  (Sorry feeling sappy today.) 

Miss W, as most babies do, christened the blanket during her session.  It of course elicited giggles from her grandmother.  Thank goodness she wasn't a boy because grandma would have been hysterical because I would probably have been the one christened instead of the blanket.  Just my luck.

Her sister, Miss D, was definitely at the beginning of the fun stage of todderlism.  (Wow!  I am coming up with all kinds of new terms today.)  Miss D was very entertaining when I tried to put a head-band on her, or trying to climb into my prop box as well as trying her hand at working the camera.  No issues because that is when I too have fun!  Nothing to get upset about or concerned when it comes to photographing children.  You need to be flexible because quite frankly, they are in control of the situation, not the adults.  If they want to run around during their photo session, or change the way they look, that's fine.  It's all about having fun and not making a session miserable for the child or the parent.

Remember when you were little and you were forced to smile at the camera so your parents could get a great picture of you?  I must have been devastated when I was a child.  Because to this day, I hate getting my picture taken and when I was younger, I would cry every time I saw the camera pointed at me.  I don't cry now but you may see me sticking out my tongue and turning my head quickly or even get a not so nice and unladylike gesture pointed your way.

My mom worked at Olan Mills so I am sure I was a test dummy quite a few times in their studio.  (Back in the day of film kids.)  There is a picture of me when I was under two that I just love and Mom said that I was about to throw a temper tantrum and the photographer took the shot at just the right time.  (Good for him.)  But think about all those missed shots?  If the photographer was not "quick on the shutter" then my mom would not have received the cute image that she did.  Anyway, my point is, you should not have to force your child to smile during a photo session.  (Except for my preteen nephew who gives the tough football player look in all  his pictures.)  It should be relaxed and fun.  That way your child will give a true smile or an expression that is completely their own.  It leads to a fun time, does not develop camera phobia as in my case and creates a precious keepsake for the family.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Melissa and Martin Engagement session

The morning looked like it was going to be a perfect day for a photo session outside when I first got up.  Granted it was 0430 and there was a nice coolness and lack of humidity in the air but that was short lived.  By the time I met up with Melissa and Martin it was hot and humid with an occassional cloud.  Oh well, you have to work with what you get. 

Melissa was "glistening"...ha!  I was flat out sweating...I know I know....girls glisten but I have to admit I was not too girlie today!  I believe I am over being scared of Melissa.  :-)  Had a great day and everything was done before both of us experienced too much hair frizz and in time for Martin to get back to work at the fire house.  Wasn't that nice of him to take some time off for this?  If he had not, I do believe his future trophy wife and maid of honor would have kicked his butt.  Hmmm reminds me of how my husband decided to take the city fire test the DAY OF OUR WEDDING!!  Men...gotta love 'em.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Melissa and Martin

So excited for Monday!!  Having an engagement session with Melissa and Martin who are getting married in October and I am so excited about that too.  Wasn't at first because quite frankly, Melissa scares me.  :-)  Now don't get me wrong, Melissa is an awesome, hilarious person and I just love her to pieces but when she gets mad....well....she's a little fire ball!  :-)  I know she likes my work because she has seen what I can do but when it comes to photographing friends, well, I just don't want to mess up.  Guess that's a lot more stress than usual.  I love you Melissa!
